Si, ya sé que es martes y que normalmente publico los sábados pero hay una buena razón para hacer este pequeño cambio, soy la diseñadora invitada en el blog de Try it on Tuesday para el tema de estas dos semanas Christmas is Coming, todavía no me lo puedo creer, es la primera vez que lo hago y es todo un honor.
Yeah, I know it's Tuesday and I normally post on Saturdays but there's a good reason to make this little change, I'm the guest designer at Try it on Tuesday blog for these next two weeks theme Christmas is Coming, I cannot still believe it, it's the first time I do it and it's a honor for me.
martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019
Sobre y Tarjeta de Felicitación Navideña
cara b,
ceras pigmentadas,
pigment sticks,
sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2019
Tarjeta con Fondo Degradado
Como veis me encanta hacer tarjetas muy diferentes, algunas con un estilo CAS, otras más recargadas, si me preguntáis si tengo un estilo favorito os diré que no puedo elegir, simplemente hago lo que me apetece en cada momento, para qué elegir si puedes hacer todo 😉.
As you see I love making very different cards, some of them have a CAS style, other more decorated, if you ask me if I have a favourite style I'll tell you I cannot choose, I just make what I want every time I start something, why should I choose when I can do everything 😉.
sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2019
Sobre y Tarjeta de Cumpleaños III
Hace unas semanas en el trabajo una de mis compañeras me pidió que hiciera una tarjeta para el cumpleaños de su sobrino, me dio algunas ideas y con eso me puse manos a la obra.
Some weeks ago at my job one of my colleagues asked me to make a card for his nephew's birthday, she gave me some ideas and with that I started to work on it.
Some weeks ago at my job one of my colleagues asked me to make a card for his nephew's birthday, she gave me some ideas and with that I started to work on it.
sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019
Magic is Everywhere
Hace unos días me acordé que tenía este sello y como Halloween está tan cerca eso me inspiró y he hecho esta tarjeta.
I remembered I got this stamp a few days ago and as Halloween is so close that inspired me and I've made this card.
I remembered I got this stamp a few days ago and as Halloween is so close that inspired me and I've made this card.
sábado, 12 de octubre de 2019
Turning Colours
Bueno parece que por fin va a empezar el otoño por aquí, hasta ayer tuvimos días muy veraniegos y la verdad es que este tag con esos calores no pegaba mucho.
Well it seems it's going to start autumn here, we have got summer days until yesterday and the truth is this tag with that heat didn't go well.
Well it seems it's going to start autumn here, we have got summer days until yesterday and the truth is this tag with that heat didn't go well.
sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019
Tarjeta de Cumpleaños III
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Happy Birthday Íker! |
This month has been Íker's birthday, my best friends' son, I've made him several cards as this one with this funny monsters and this year I've decided to use again these animals, I bought them five years ago and I love them.
sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2019
Jugando con dos colores
Me encanta jugar con diferentes tonos de colores, esta vez he elegido el rosa y el gris que siempre crean una combinación perfecta y muy elegante.
I love playing with different colour tones, this time I've chosen pink and grey that always create a perfect and very elegant combination.
I love playing with different colour tones, this time I've chosen pink and grey that always create a perfect and very elegant combination.
sábado, 24 de agosto de 2019
Tarjeta CAS
Hoy os traigo una tarjeta con un estilo sencillo, pero eso no significa que no sean igual de bonitas que otras más recargadas.
Today I bring you a CAS card, that doesn't mean this kind of cards cannot be as beautiful as other ones that are more decorated.
Today I bring you a CAS card, that doesn't mean this kind of cards cannot be as beautiful as other ones that are more decorated.
sábado, 3 de agosto de 2019
Down by the Sea
Hacía muchísimo tiempo que no iba a nadar y no tengo excusas porque en mi gimnasio hay una piscina, hace un par de semanas fui y la verdad no sé por qué lo dejé, me encanta, no tengo tiempo de pensar, sólo nado, me siento libre y me relajo. Y esas sensaciones y otra razón más han inspirado este tag.
I didn't go to swim long time ago and I don't have any excuses because in my gym there is a swimming pool, two weeks ago I went and the truth is I don't know what I stopped, I love it, I don't have time to think, I just swim, disconnect, feel free and relax. And those feelings and another reason more have inspired this tag.
I didn't go to swim long time ago and I don't have any excuses because in my gym there is a swimming pool, two weeks ago I went and the truth is I don't know what I stopped, I love it, I don't have time to think, I just swim, disconnect, feel free and relax. And those feelings and another reason more have inspired this tag.
sábado, 27 de julio de 2019
Sobre para tarjeta
Mi madre necesitaba una tarjeta y entre todas las que tengo hechas eligió ésta, le gustó mucho pero me dijo que le faltaba un sobre, así que en un ratito libre se lo hice.
My mother needed a card and among all I have made she chose this one, she liked a lot but she told me it needed an envelope, so in a free moment I made it.
sábado, 20 de julio de 2019
Tarjeta de Cumpleaños II
El mes pasado fue el cumpleaños de Salor, ya tiene un añito y después de este tag y esta exploding box de hace un año he hecho algo diferente, una tarjeta con unos robots muy monos como protagonistas.
The past month was Salor's birthday, she is one year old and after this tag and this exploding box from one year ago I've made something different a card with a cute robots as protagonists.
The past month was Salor's birthday, she is one year old and after this tag and this exploding box from one year ago I've made something different a card with a cute robots as protagonists.
sábado, 29 de junio de 2019
Mini Tarjeta - Mini Card 2
Me ha gustado esto de hacer mini tarjetas, jugar con mis sellos y plantillas en una superficie pequeña es algo muy divertido y creo que voy a seguir haciendo más proyectos de este tipo en un futuro.
I've liked the idea of making mini cards, it's very fun to play with my stamps and stencils in a little surface and I think I'm going to make more projects of this kind in a future.
I've liked the idea of making mini cards, it's very fun to play with my stamps and stencils in a little surface and I think I'm going to make more projects of this kind in a future.
sábado, 1 de junio de 2019
Etude des Portraits
Cuando empecé a trabajar en estas páginas no pensé que al final incluiría dos de mis dibujos en ellas, simplemente hice como otras veces, preparar el fondo y jugar con mis plantillas.
When I started to work on these pages I never thought at the end I would include two of my drawings on them, I simply did as other times, to start to prepare the background and to play with my stencils.
When I started to work on these pages I never thought at the end I would include two of my drawings on them, I simply did as other times, to start to prepare the background and to play with my stencils.
art journal,
ceras pigmentadas,
diario artístico,
pigment sticks,
sábado, 25 de mayo de 2019
Tarjeta de Cumpleaños
Hoy os enseño una tarjeta de cumpleaños, lo bueno de este tipo de tarjetas es que cada vez que haces una puedes crear algo diferente en función de la persona que la va a recibir o de cómo te sientas ese día, esta vez he querido hacer un diseño sencillo pero elegante.
Today I show you a birthday card, the good thing of this kind of cards is every time you make one you can create something different according to the person who is going to recieve it or how you feel that day, this time I've wanted to make a simple but elegant desing.
Today I show you a birthday card, the good thing of this kind of cards is every time you make one you can create something different according to the person who is going to recieve it or how you feel that day, this time I've wanted to make a simple but elegant desing.
sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019
Spread Your Wings and Fly
No sé si es la primavera o qué pero últimamente estoy haciendo tags y tarjetas que son perfectas para estos meses y mira que mi estación favorita es el otoño 😊, aunque nadie lo diría por las últimas entradas del blog.
I don't know if it's because of spring or what but lately I'm making tags and cards that are perfect for these months and the truth is my favourite season is autumn 😊, although none would say it for the last posts of the blog.
I don't know if it's because of spring or what but lately I'm making tags and cards that are perfect for these months and the truth is my favourite season is autumn 😊, although none would say it for the last posts of the blog.
sábado, 27 de abril de 2019
Sobre y Tarjeta de Cumpleaños II
Casi siempre cuando acabo una tarjeta me parece que está perfecta pero hay veces que siento que necesita algo más, en esos casos hago un sobre, así empiezo algo desde cero pero que combine con ella.
When I finish a card almost every time I think it's perfect but there are other times I feel it needs something more, in those moments I make a envelope, so I start something new but that matches with it.
When I finish a card almost every time I think it's perfect but there are other times I feel it needs something more, in those moments I make a envelope, so I start something new but that matches with it.
sábado, 20 de abril de 2019
Hello Bunny
Hace unos meses que encontré a este conejito en la web de The Graphics Fairy y todavía no había hecho nada con él, con lo mono que es necesitaba ser el protagonista de uno de mis proyectos, y aquí por fin está.
I found this bunny a few months ago in The Graphics Fairy's website and I hadn't still made anything with him, being so cute it needed to be the star of one of my projects, and here it's finally.
sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019
Mini Tarjeta - Mini Card
Creo que esta es la tarjeta más pequeña que he hecho hasta la fecha, tenía un trozo de cartulina de 15x9cm y en vez de utilizarlo en un proyecto mayor he creado una tarjeta de 7,5x9cm, y como veis no le falta detalle.
I think this is the littlest card I've made until now, I got a piece of cardboard of 15x9cm and instead of using it in a bigger project I've created a card of 7,5x9cm, and as you see it's full of details.
I think this is the littlest card I've made until now, I got a piece of cardboard of 15x9cm and instead of using it in a bigger project I've created a card of 7,5x9cm, and as you see it's full of details.
sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019
I Will Not Allow Books to Prove Anything
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No permitiré que los libros prueben nada |
Today's page is inspired by my favourite Jane Austen's book, Persuasion, yeah it's even above Pride and Prejudice, a story about second chances and hopes I love and I don't know how many times I've read it.
sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019
Go Where Your Heart Takes You
Hoy os traigo toda una transformación, de una cartulina de un color amarillo vivo (bueno vale amarillo pollo de toda la vida jajajaja) a un tag que nadie podría decir que tenía ese fondo en un principio.
Today I show you a great change, from a bright yellow cardboard (ok, it was as yellow as a little chick hahahaha) to a tag none could guess it had that background at the beginning.
Today I show you a great change, from a bright yellow cardboard (ok, it was as yellow as a little chick hahahaha) to a tag none could guess it had that background at the beginning.
sábado, 16 de febrero de 2019
I'm Defying the Queen of Insecurities
Hoy os traigo una página muy especial porque es la primera vez que incorporo un dibujo de un retrato a uno de mis proyectos, no es perfecto, pero sabéis qué, no me importa, no quería algo precioso, maravilloso, quería hacer algo que fuera parte de mí.
Today I show you a very special page because is the first time I add a portrait drawing to one of my projects, it's not perfect, but you know what, I don't mind, I didn't want anything beautiful, wonderful, I wanted to do something that was a part of me.
Today I show you a very special page because is the first time I add a portrait drawing to one of my projects, it's not perfect, but you know what, I don't mind, I didn't want anything beautiful, wonderful, I wanted to do something that was a part of me.
art journal,
cara b,
ceras pigmentadas,
diario artístico,
pigment sticks,
sábado, 26 de enero de 2019
Time to Make Decisions
Esos momentos donde tienes que tomar una decisión pueden ser eternos o pasar rápidamente y eso ha inspirado esta página, quería reflejar ese agobio de ahí que sean tonos oscuros los que predominen esta vez.
Those moments where you have to make a decision can be never-ending or pass fast that has inspired this page, I wanted to show that stress for that reason dark tones are the protagonists this time.
Those moments where you have to make a decision can be never-ending or pass fast that has inspired this page, I wanted to show that stress for that reason dark tones are the protagonists this time.
sábado, 19 de enero de 2019
Travel the World Over...
Me encanta los efectos que se pueden conseguir con un par de sellos y unas acuarelas, porque eso es casi todo lo que he usado en esta tarjeta, muchas veces menos es más y éste es un ejemplo de ello.
I love all the effects you can get with a pair of stamps and a watercolours, because that is almost everything what I've used in this card, a lot of times less is more and this one is a example of that.
I love all the effects you can get with a pair of stamps and a watercolours, because that is almost everything what I've used in this card, a lot of times less is more and this one is a example of that.
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