sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

Mini Tarjeta - Mini Card 2

Mini Tarjeta - Mini Card 2
Me ha gustado esto de hacer mini tarjetas, jugar con mis sellos y plantillas en una superficie pequeña es algo muy divertido y creo que voy a seguir haciendo más proyectos de este tipo en un futuro.

I've liked the idea of making mini cards, it's very fun to play with my stamps and stencils in a little surface and I think I'm going to make more projects of this kind in a future.

Tiene un tamaño de 12x5cm, he jugado con diferentes tonos de amarillo y tinta negra para destacar los sellos. En el fondo he utilizado tinta a base de agua y con una plantilla he hecho la técnica del ghosting.

It has a size of 12x5cm, I've played with different yellow tones and black ink to spotlight the stamps. I've used water based ink on the background and I've made the ghosthing technique with a stencil.
Como veis aunque es una superficie pequeña no significa que no puedas hacer algo especial, me encanta jugar con todas las posibilidades, eso es lo mejor de esto que no hay límites.

As you see although is a little surface that doesn't mean you cannot made something special, I love to play with all possibilities, this is the best thing of making this there are not limits.

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part with this card in these challenges:

4 comentarios:

  1. Gorgeous, Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More!

  2. That looks really good - and a bit like a Moo card, which you only see rarely these days...it's a lovely size and takes a different type of skill, but you cracked it. Gorgeous.
    Cath x

    1. Wow thanks, this kind of cards have helped to see I don't need a big surface to make something special what is great because I have a lot of little pieces of cardstock of different projects, hehehe. xx.


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