sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019

I Will Not Allow Books to Prove Anything

I Will Not Allow Books to Prove Anything
No permitiré que los libros prueben nada
La página de hoy está inspirada en mi libro favorito de Jane Austen, Persuasión, si por encima de Orgullo y Prejuicio, una historia sobre segundas oportunidades y esperanzas que me encanta y no sé cuántas veces he leído ya.

Today's page is inspired by my favourite Jane Austen's book, Persuasion, yeah it's even above Pride and Prejudice, a story about second chances and hopes I love and I don't know how many times I've read it.

Para el fondo he utilizado tonos amarillos, rojos y naranjas y un poco de negro para hacer contraste. Las imágenes las encontré en la galería de la British Library, también son de otro libro maravilloso Esposas e Hijas de Elizabeth Gaskell.

I've used yellow, red and orange tones and a bit of black to make contrast to create the background. I found the images at the British Library's gallery, they are from another wonderful book Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell.
Los hombres tienen toda la ventaja sobre nosotras por ser ellos quienes cuentan la historia. Su educación ha sido mucho más completa; la pluma ha estado en sus manos.
Esta vez para colorear las imágenes he usado mis lápices, con mis rotuladores creo que no hubieran quedado tan bien porque quería mantener ese efecto envejecido y vintage en toda la página.

I've coloured the images with my pencils this time, I think if I had used my markers they wouldn't have fitted so well because I wanted to get that distress and vintage effect in all the page.

No he querido recrear exactamente la escena del libro, sino jugar con todo lo que se dice con ella y crear algo nuevo pero que tenga el espíritu de esas palabras. ¿Creéis que lo he conseguido?.

I haven't wanted to reproduce exactly the scene from the book, I wanted to play with everything that is said and to create something new that has the spirit of those words. Do you think I've got it?.

Además con esta página participo en estos retos:

I take part in the next challenges with this page:

6 comentarios:

  1. Wow - I really like this page! Well done! Thanks for joining us at Mix It Up!

  2. Hello, Maria--your page is lovely! Yes I understand the meaning very well. I have never read this book but if you like it so much then I must read it.

    1. Yeah you should, it's a wonderful story it's one of the last books by Jane Austen, there is another one more that is unfinished, and you can see a different point of view of her stories. Hugs.

  3. Awesome pages..and a very interesting read.
    Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at More Mixed Media.


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