Mentiría si dijera que he escrito alguna vez en un diario personal, siempre que lo he intentado me bloqueaba o sentía que todo sonaba falso, yo no soy de ese tipo de persona que le vamos a hacer, pero la libertad que me dan estas páginas es maravillosa, todo sale de manera natural, esta vez me he inspirado en una de mis canciones favoritas de los Foo Fighters, como veis he sido bastante literal.
I would lie if I say I've ever written a personal diary, every time I've tried I blanked or I felt everything I wrote sounded false, I'm not that kind of people I cannot make anything to change it, but the freedom these pages give me is wonderful, everything comes up in a natural way, this time my inspiration is one of my favourite songs by Foo Fighters, as you see I've created something very literal.
domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017
domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017
Those Moments of Loneliness in a Lady's Room
Esta vez me han salido unas páginas muy vintage en mi diario, he ido improvisando y ha quedado una escena muy elegante, como sacada de Retrato de una Dama de Henry James, si no habéis leído el libro os lo recomiendo, es maravilloso.
This time I show you a very vintage pages in my journal, I've been improvising and I've got a very elegant scene, as it was part of The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, , if you haven't read the book I recommend you it, it's wonderful.
This time I show you a very vintage pages in my journal, I've been improvising and I've got a very elegant scene, as it was part of The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, , if you haven't read the book I recommend you it, it's wonderful.
domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017
Nocturnal Creatures
Ya os comenté hace un año más o menos en esta entrada que me encantan las brujas, los libros de hechizos, etc., y estamos muy cerca de Halloween así que me he sentido inspirada y hecho una página muy mágica y de paso participo en el reto del blog Entre Chocolate y Scrap por primera vez.
I told you one year ago more or less in this post I love witches, spellbooks, etc., and Halloween is this week so I've felt inspired and I've made a very magic page and with it I take part in the Entre Chocolate y Scrap blog's challenge for first time.
I told you one year ago more or less in this post I love witches, spellbooks, etc., and Halloween is this week so I've felt inspired and I've made a very magic page and with it I take part in the Entre Chocolate y Scrap blog's challenge for first time.
art journal,
diario artístico,
image transfer,
imágenes transferidas,
domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017
Looking for my Path
Con esta página estreno un nuevo diario artístico, eso no significa que haya acabado el otro, que va me quedan un montón de páginas en blanco, pero tenía ganas de trabajar con otros tamaños de página y este diario me da esta oportunidad, así que ahora iré trabajando en los dos a la vez 😉.
I start a new art journal with this page, that doesn't mean I've finished the other one, hehehe it still has a lot of empty pages, but I wanted to work with pages with other sizes and this journal gives me the chance, so now I'm going to work with both 😉.
I start a new art journal with this page, that doesn't mean I've finished the other one, hehehe it still has a lot of empty pages, but I wanted to work with pages with other sizes and this journal gives me the chance, so now I'm going to work with both 😉.
domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017
Tarjeta túnel - Tunnel card
Como pasa el tiempo ya hace un año de esta tarjeta y ya he tenido que hacer otra para el pequeño Íker que ya tiene dos añitos y cada día está grande y gracioso, esta vez me he animado a hacer por primera vez una tarjeta túnel, ahora os cuento más.
Omg I cannot believe I made this card one year ago and now I had made another new one for the little Íker who is two years and every day is bigger and funnier, this time I've created for first time a tunnel card, now I tell you more.
Omg I cannot believe I made this card one year ago and now I had made another new one for the little Íker who is two years and every day is bigger and funnier, this time I've created for first time a tunnel card, now I tell you more.
domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017
Haute Couture
Hoy os traigo dos páginas de mi diario artístico, tengo unos troqueles y una plantilla con formas relacionadas con la costura y la moda y tenía ganas de probar qué podía hacer sin utilizar ningún sello esta vez.
Today I show you two new pages of my art journal, I have a dies and a stencil with shapes related to dressmaking and fashion and I wanted to see how I could do without using any stamp this time.
domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017
A Hot Summer is Better with You
No sé si os pasa también pero en verano con estos calores estoy más perezosa 😓y trabajo menos en mis proyectos, pero siempre intento hacer algo aunque sea sencillito, ayer hice un tag con el que voy a participar en el reto de Colouring in Scrapland, este mes todo vale y con estos calores la idea vino sola jejejeje.
I don't know if you have the same problem but in summer with heatwaves I'm lazier 😓and I work less in my projects, but I always try to make something although it is simple, yesterday I made a tag and with it I'm going to take part in the Colouring in Scrapland blog's challenge, this month anything goes and with heat the idea for it came to my mind very fast.
I don't know if you have the same problem but in summer with heatwaves I'm lazier 😓and I work less in my projects, but I always try to make something although it is simple, yesterday I made a tag and with it I'm going to take part in the Colouring in Scrapland blog's challenge, this month anything goes and with heat the idea for it came to my mind very fast.
domingo, 23 de julio de 2017
You Make Me Smile
Quiero mejorar la manera en la que coloreo con rotuladores, lápices, acuarelas, etc., y que mejor manera para hacerlo que participando en un reto, el del blog Colouring in Scrapland, este mes el tema es "sonrisas", creo que este gatito y este tag son perfectos para que aparezca una en vuestra cara nada más ver la foto 😉.
I want to improve the way I colour with markers, pencils, watercolours, etc., and I think the best idea to make it is with a challenge, as the one of Colouring in Scrapland blog, this month is about smiles, I think this kitty and this tag are perfect to bring you one in your face when you see the pic 😉.
I want to improve the way I colour with markers, pencils, watercolours, etc., and I think the best idea to make it is with a challenge, as the one of Colouring in Scrapland blog, this month is about smiles, I think this kitty and this tag are perfect to bring you one in your face when you see the pic 😉.
domingo, 16 de julio de 2017
DIY VI: cambiando un álbum de fotos
Hacía tiempo que quería cambiarle el aspecto al álbum de fotos que utilizo para almacenar mis sellos más pequeños, es muy práctico para organizarlos pero quería darle un toque diferente y ayer me animé y en un rato lo hice.
I wanted to change the look of the album I use to keep those stamps that are a bit little, it's very handy to arrange them but I wanted to give it a different touch, so yesterday I made it and in a while it was done.
I wanted to change the look of the album I use to keep those stamps that are a bit little, it's very handy to arrange them but I wanted to give it a different touch, so yesterday I made it and in a while it was done.
domingo, 18 de junio de 2017
A Seven Colours Mirror
No sé que me ha pasado este mes pero me he animado y me presento a otro reto, estas vez al reto de junio del blog de la tienda Up&Scrap, pedían utilizar los colores del arcoiris 🌈 y bueno salvo el borde de las letras de la frase que es negro no he parado de usarlos.
I don't know what have happened this month but I'm going to use these two pages for another challenge, it's the june challenge of the Up&Scrap web site, they wanted we used all the colours of the rainbow 🌈 and well except for the edges of the letters that is black I haven't stop of using them.
I don't know what have happened this month but I'm going to use these two pages for another challenge, it's the june challenge of the Up&Scrap web site, they wanted we used all the colours of the rainbow 🌈 and well except for the edges of the letters that is black I haven't stop of using them.
domingo, 11 de junio de 2017
Far Horizon
Este mes el #retoscrapasion de @scrapbookpasion consistía en crear fondos con acuarelas, últimamente estoy experimentando mucho con ellas así que me venía de perlas para jugar con ellas un poco, y vaya si lo he hecho 😉.
This month the Scrapbookpasion blog´s challenge is about to create backgrounds with watercolours, as lately I'm experimenting with them a lot it was perfect for me, and once I started I didn't stop 😉.
This month the Scrapbookpasion blog´s challenge is about to create backgrounds with watercolours, as lately I'm experimenting with them a lot it was perfect for me, and once I started I didn't stop 😉.
domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017
Letters from Past
Si os digo la verdad empecé estas páginas intentando aprovechar toda la tinta que había impregnado en una plantilla, así que con un rodillo la estampé y a partir de ahí y en diferentes momentos en los que me venía alguna idea las acabé, a continuación os cuento más.
If I tell you the truth I started these pages just trying to use all the ink I had sprayed on a stencil, so with a brayer I stamped it and from that point and in different moments when I got a new idea I finished them, now I tell you more.
If I tell you the truth I started these pages just trying to use all the ink I had sprayed on a stencil, so with a brayer I stamped it and from that point and in different moments when I got a new idea I finished them, now I tell you more.
domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017
Exotic Garden
Estamos acabando la primavera y todavía no había publicado nada lleno de plantas y flores, así que para compensarlo he hecho estas dos páginas de mi diario artístico, como veis están llenas de plantas muy especiales 😉.
Springtime is almost finishing and I hadn't still made a post full of plants and flowers, so to change this fact I've made these two new pages of my art journal, as you see they are full of very special plants 😉.
sábado, 29 de abril de 2017
DIY V: bolsita para regalos
Hoy os traigo una bolsita que he hecho, estamos en plena época de BBCs (bodas, bautizos y comuniones) y estas bolsitas son muy prácticas para entregar pequeños regalos, a continuación os cuento más.
Today I show you a little bag I've made, we are in that season of the year that is full of weddings, christenings and first communions, so these bags are perfect to give little gifts, now I tell you more.
Today I show you a little bag I've made, we are in that season of the year that is full of weddings, christenings and first communions, so these bags are perfect to give little gifts, now I tell you more.
domingo, 16 de abril de 2017
Walking on Sunshine
Springtime is already here (well in my region with these temperatures summer is going to start very very soon hehehe) so days are longer, you want to walk and enjoy good weather and that has inspired me to make this two pages of my art journal.
domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017
Through the looking glass
Today I've been playing with my inks, paints and other elements just to see the differences between a white backgroud and another one black in my art journal, I wanted to try out and that's what I've made.
domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017
A Graphic World
Aquí tenéis dos nuevas páginas de mi diario artístico, era una entrada que iba a publicar si o si cuando dio la casualidad que vi el #retoscrapasion que nos proponían este mes desde @scrapbookpasion, querían formas geométricas, así que como hacía tiempo que no participaba en un reto y creo que cumplen mis páginas los requisitos aprovecho y participo.
Here you have two new pages of my art journal, it was a post I've already thought to publish when by chance I saw the new challenge of this month of the Scrapbookpasion blog, they wanted geometric things and I think they're perfect for it.
domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017
Lienzo decorativo mixed media
Hoy os traigo mi primer lienzo mixed media, a veces enfrentarte a una superficie más grande da un poco de miedo pero con un poco de imaginación todo va tomando forma, bueno ahora os cuento que he hecho.
Today I'm going to show you my first mixed media canvas, I was a bit afraid of dealing with a little bigger surface but with a bit of imagination you see how everything starts to have sense, well now I tell you more about what I've made.
Today I'm going to show you my first mixed media canvas, I was a bit afraid of dealing with a little bigger surface but with a bit of imagination you see how everything starts to have sense, well now I tell you more about what I've made.
domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017
DIY IV: una cajita para guardar troqueles
Normalmente guardo mis troqueles en la cajita de la que os hablé en esta entrada, pero esa ya está llena del todo y tengo unos cuantos que son un pelín más grandes y no caben en ella, así que ya tenía la excusa perfecta para decorar una nueva.
I normally keep my die-cuts in the box I showed you in this post, but that one is almost full and I have some die-cut than are a bit bigger than it, so I just had the perfect excuse to decorate a new one.
I normally keep my die-cuts in the box I showed you in this post, but that one is almost full and I have some die-cut than are a bit bigger than it, so I just had the perfect excuse to decorate a new one.
sábado, 28 de enero de 2017
Otra tarjeta para una jubilación
A finales del año pasado una de mis compañeras de trabajo se jubiló, como todos saben en la oficina que hago estas cositas era lógico que yo hiciera la tarjeta con la que íbamos a felicitarla y después darle todos sus regalos en vez de comprar una ya hecha, aquí os la enseño.
At the end of the last year one of my colleagues retired, as everyone knows at my office I make these little things it was logic I made the card to congratulate her and after that to give her all her gifts instead of buying one already made, so here I show you it.
At the end of the last year one of my colleagues retired, as everyone knows at my office I make these little things it was logic I made the card to congratulate her and after that to give her all her gifts instead of buying one already made, so here I show you it.
sábado, 14 de enero de 2017
Rellenando huecos vacíos
Hacía tiempo que no publicaba nada de lo que estoy haciendo en mi diario artístico pero eso no significa que no esté trabajando en él, lo que más me gusta es la libertad que me da, puedo hacer lo que quiera y esta vez simplemente he hecho garabatos, lo he ido haciendo poco a poco, cuando no tenía ganas de hacer otros proyectos abría mi diario y me ponía a rellenar estas páginas.
I didn't write anything of what I'm making in my art journal a time ago but that doesn't mean I'm not working in it, what I like more of it it's the freedom it gives me, I can make what I want and this time I've made doodles, I've drawing them in different moments, when I didn't want to work in other projects I opened my journal and I started to fill these pages.
I didn't write anything of what I'm making in my art journal a time ago but that doesn't mean I'm not working in it, what I like more of it it's the freedom it gives me, I can make what I want and this time I've made doodles, I've drawing them in different moments, when I didn't want to work in other projects I opened my journal and I started to fill these pages.
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