Ya se está acabando el año y toca hacer el último tag de 2015 que Tim Holtz ha propuesto en su blog, espero que os guste mi versión.
The year is almost finished and it's time to make the last tag that Tim Holtz has proposed in his blog, I hope you like my version.
domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015
domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015
DYI III: Sobre para regalo de boda
Ya sé que la temporada alta de bodas no es ahora pero hace unas semanas mi hermano me pidió que le preparase un sobre para una que tenía, por suerte esta vez me dió el cuartelillo de dos horas, la primera vez sólo tuve media hora para hacerlo así que sólo hice el sobre y poco más, en esta ocasión he podido adornarlo un poco más aunque me hubiera gustado tener un poco más de tiempo para hacer algo más. A continuación os muestro como lo he hecho.
I know we are in a moment of the year where there aren't many weddings but a few weeks ago my brother asked me to make an envelope for a wedding of one of his friends, this time I was lucky because he asked me it two hours before he went, the first time he only gave me thirty minutes so that day I could only make the envelope, now I could decorated a bit more although I would have liked to have a bit more of time to make something more. Now I show you how I've made it.
I know we are in a moment of the year where there aren't many weddings but a few weeks ago my brother asked me to make an envelope for a wedding of one of his friends, this time I was lucky because he asked me it two hours before he went, the first time he only gave me thirty minutes so that day I could only make the envelope, now I could decorated a bit more although I would have liked to have a bit more of time to make something more. Now I show you how I've made it.
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
12 tags of 2015 - November
Otro mes más he hecho el tag que Tim Holtz nos propone en su blog, esta vez el tema es muy otoñal yo he sustituido la calabaza que el hace por unas hojas, ahora que hay tantas por todas las calles es fácil inspirarse.
Another month more I've made the tag that Tim Holtz proposed us in his blog, this time the subject is very autumnal, I have changed the pumpkin he makes for a leaves, now there are a lot of them on streets is easy to inspire with them.
Another month more I've made the tag that Tim Holtz proposed us in his blog, this time the subject is very autumnal, I have changed the pumpkin he makes for a leaves, now there are a lot of them on streets is easy to inspire with them.
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
De compras III: especial Londres segunda parte
Voy a terminar con el especial que le estoy dedicando a Londres, en la primera entrada me centré en una tienda maravillosa Blade Rubber Stamps a la que me encanta ir cuando estoy allí, y hoy voy a terminar por un lado con más sitios e ideas para comprar material para nuestros proyectos y por otro os voy a hablar de otras tiendas que me gustan aunque no compre cositas para el scrap y que creo que os pueden interesar.
I'm going to finish the special posts I'm writing about London, in the first one I focused in an wonderful shop Blade Rubber Stamps that I love to visit when I'm there, and today I'm going to finish with more places and ideas to buy stuff for our proyects and I'm also going to talk about other shops I like although there I don't buy things for scrap and I think you can like.
I'm going to finish the special posts I'm writing about London, in the first one I focused in an wonderful shop Blade Rubber Stamps that I love to visit when I'm there, and today I'm going to finish with more places and ideas to buy stuff for our proyects and I'm also going to talk about other shops I like although there I don't buy things for scrap and I think you can like.
domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015
12 tags of 2015 - October
Este mes ha sido todo un reto hacer el tag que nos proponía Tim Holtz en su blog porque no tenía los troqueles que él utiliza y no sabía que hacer como alternativa, es cierto que en España cada vez se celebra más Halloween, aunque lo tradicional es celebrar Todos Los Santos, así que no se me ocurría nada hasta que de repente caí en las calaveras decoradas que hacen en México para la fiesta del Día de Muertos, he querido hacer un pequeño homenaje muy respetuoso a esa fiesta y esa ha sido mi inspiración final.
This month has been a bit difficutl to create the tag that Tim Holtz proposed us in his blog because I didn't have the dies he uses and I didn't know what to do as alternative, it's truth in Spain we celebrate more and more Halloween, although what is tradition is to celebrate "Todos Los Santos", so I didn't have any idea until suddenly I thought in decorated skulls that people make in Mexico for the Día de Muertos, so I've wanted to make a little and very respectful tribute to that celebration and that has been my inspiration.
domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015
Tarjeta inspirada en un sketch I
Cuando empiezo un proyecto nuevo hay veces que voy improvisando, otras hago un borrador sencillo para saber que quiero hacer en cada momento, y luego cambio sobre la marcha, así que como veis no tengo una regla fija, los sketches ayudan bastante sobre todo cuando estás atascada y no sabes que hacer pero también a veces me resulta un poco difícil plasmar la idea que representan cuando intento hacer uno hecho por otra persona, por eso me he propuesto hacer alguno de vez en cuando para ir mejorando mi interpretación de los mismos.
When I start a new project there are times where I improvise and other where a I make a simple sketch to know what I would like to do and after that I change a few things and others don't, so as you see I don't always follow the same way to create, sketches help you a lot and more if you don't know what is the next step to do but at least for me sometimes it's a bit difficult to interpret them when they have created for other person, for that reason I've decided to do a few of them to improve my skills when I use them.
When I start a new project there are times where I improvise and other where a I make a simple sketch to know what I would like to do and after that I change a few things and others don't, so as you see I don't always follow the same way to create, sketches help you a lot and more if you don't know what is the next step to do but at least for me sometimes it's a bit difficult to interpret them when they have created for other person, for that reason I've decided to do a few of them to improve my skills when I use them.
domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015
12 tags of 2015 - September
Este mes con las vacaciones he tardado un poco más en hacer el tag que nos has propuesto Tim Holtz, pero ya está listo y aquí tenéis el resultado final ¿qué os parece?.
As this month I've been on holidays I haven't been able of making the tag that Tim Holtz proposed before, but it's already finished, here you have it what do you think of it?.
As this month I've been on holidays I haven't been able of making the tag that Tim Holtz proposed before, but it's already finished, here you have it what do you think of it?.
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015
De compras II: especial Londres primera parte
De nuevo este año en mis vacaciones he vuelto a Londres, es una ciudad que me fascina, es la segunda vez que voy y cada vez me gusta más porque puedes hacer un montón de cosas diferentes, en esta entrada y en otra que publicaré más adelante os voy a hablar de sitios donde podéis comprar cositas para vuestros proyectos, seguro que muchos sitios ya los conocéis porque creo que no he sido la única que ha hecho esta búsqueda antes de viajar a esta ciudad u otra, hoy me voy a centrar en la tienda que aparece en la foto Blade Rubber Stamps, y en otra entrada os hablaré de otras tiendas donde podéis comprar material para scrap y otras cositas que creo que pueden gustar, va a ser menos centrada en el scrap.
This year I've spend my holidays in London again, it's a city that fascinates me, it's the second time I go and every time I like more and more because you can do a lot of differente things, in this post and in other one I will write in a near future I'm going to talk you about places where you can buy things for your projects, I'm sure you know a lot of this places because I think I'm not the only one who has made a search before a travel to find them, today I'm going to focus in the shop of the pic above this text Blade Rubber Stamps, and in another one I'll talk about other shops where you can buy stuff for scrap and other things you can like, it's not going to be so focused in scrap.
This year I've spend my holidays in London again, it's a city that fascinates me, it's the second time I go and every time I like more and more because you can do a lot of differente things, in this post and in other one I will write in a near future I'm going to talk you about places where you can buy things for your projects, I'm sure you know a lot of this places because I think I'm not the only one who has made a search before a travel to find them, today I'm going to focus in the shop of the pic above this text Blade Rubber Stamps, and in another one I'll talk about other shops where you can buy stuff for scrap and other things you can like, it's not going to be so focused in scrap.
domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015
Coloreando I: jugando con rotuladores
Como ya he dicho otras veces colorear es algo que me gusta mucho, jugar con diferentes tonalidades y darle vidilla a un sello es algo muy entretenido. Esta vez he utilizado los Spectrum Noir, rotuladores con tinta a base de alcohol, los tengo desde hace algún tiempo y me encantan, poco a poco voy aprendiendo a usarlos, para eso he estado viendo videos en Youtube y la web de los rotuladores donde hay montones de tutoriales y explicaciones.
As I've said before I like a lot to colour, to play with different colour schemes and give life to a stamp is something very enjoyable. This time I've used the Spectrum Noir alchohol markers, I have them since a time and I love them, I'm learning to use them, for that I've watching videos in Youtube and the website of the markers where there are a lot of tutorials and explanations.
domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015
DYI II: Libreta de Post It
Si hay algo que me encanta del scrap es que con un poco de imaginación y tiempo puedes hacer que unos simples post it aburridos se conviertan en una libreta preciosa. Es una de las razones por la que ésta es una de mis aficiones favoritas, cambiar lo aburrido en algo interesante.
If there is something I love about scrap is that with a bit of imagination and time you can make that a simple boring post it change into a beautiful notebook. That is one of the reasons that make this is one of my favourite hobbies, to change something boring in something interesting.
If there is something I love about scrap is that with a bit of imagination and time you can make that a simple boring post it change into a beautiful notebook. That is one of the reasons that make this is one of my favourite hobbies, to change something boring in something interesting.
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015
Tarjeta con flores con falso metalizado y textura
Me encanta Pinterest encuentras un montón de ideas y tutoriales para aprender a hacer cosas nuevas, es una fuente de inspiración continua y gracias a ella hecho estas flores con un falso metalizado y textura.
I love Pinterest you find a lot of ideas and tutorials to learn to do new things, it's a great source of inspiration and thanks to it I've made this flowers with a false metallic and textured background.
Así que gracias a estar red social hace poco encontre este entrada de Jennifer Mcguire donde explicaba como hacer unos fondos metalizados y con textura, no conocía este blog y la verdad es que me ha encantado, con algo tan sencillo hace unos fondos preciosos, así que no me pude resistir y después de ver el vídeo intenté la técnica que usa y el resultado es maravilloso, aunque el vídeo está en inglés os aseguro que es muy fácil la técnica aunque no dominéis el idioma.
So thanks to this social network a few days ago I found this post by Jennifer Mcguire where she explains how to do a faux textured metal papers, I didn't know this blog and the truth is I love it, with something so simple she has made a beautiful backgrounds, so I couldn't wait and after watching the video I tried this technique and well the result is wonderful, so although the video is in English I assure you the technique is very easy even if you don't speak much English.
I love Pinterest you find a lot of ideas and tutorials to learn to do new things, it's a great source of inspiration and thanks to it I've made this flowers with a false metallic and textured background.
Así que gracias a estar red social hace poco encontre este entrada de Jennifer Mcguire donde explicaba como hacer unos fondos metalizados y con textura, no conocía este blog y la verdad es que me ha encantado, con algo tan sencillo hace unos fondos preciosos, así que no me pude resistir y después de ver el vídeo intenté la técnica que usa y el resultado es maravilloso, aunque el vídeo está en inglés os aseguro que es muy fácil la técnica aunque no dominéis el idioma.
So thanks to this social network a few days ago I found this post by Jennifer Mcguire where she explains how to do a faux textured metal papers, I didn't know this blog and the truth is I love it, with something so simple she has made a beautiful backgrounds, so I couldn't wait and after watching the video I tried this technique and well the result is wonderful, so although the video is in English I assure you the technique is very easy even if you don't speak much English.
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015
Analizando productos I: Craft Scrubbie
Entintar es algo básico cuando estamos haciendo un proyecto nuevo y eso conlleva mancharte las manos, al menos en mi caso, por mucho cuidado que tenga siempre me mancho, no hay manera, al principio me desesperaba, luego por fin lo acepté y me empezó a desesperar el que saliese tan mal de mis manos la tinta así que utilicé durante un tiempo guantes, pero no me sentía cómoda trabajando, hasta que un día por casualidad viendo una web en la que todavía no había comprado estaba esta esponja la Craft Scrubbie.
To ink is something basic when we are working in a new project and that makes you get dirty your hands, at least me, although I'm very careful I always have my hands full of ink, at the beginning I felt frustrated, and then with time I accepted it, and after that I started to feel frustrated because it was very difficult to clean them so for a time I wore gloves but I didn't feel comfortable when I was working, until one day and by chance when I was surfing in a new website where I haven't still bought it was this sponge the Craft Scrubbie.
To ink is something basic when we are working in a new project and that makes you get dirty your hands, at least me, although I'm very careful I always have my hands full of ink, at the beginning I felt frustrated, and then with time I accepted it, and after that I started to feel frustrated because it was very difficult to clean them so for a time I wore gloves but I didn't feel comfortable when I was working, until one day and by chance when I was surfing in a new website where I haven't still bought it was this sponge the Craft Scrubbie.
domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015
12 tags of 2015 - August
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Fly Free |
I've already finished my tag of this month, the truth is I love this challenge, it makes me learn new techniques and when I don't have all the stuff I improvise and the final result is wonderful.
domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015
Tarjeta con fondo coloreado con Gelatos
Me encanta colorear y por eso me gusta tener diferentes materiales para hacerlo como tintas, lápices, rotuladores, etc., y con esta tarjeta decidí jugar con los Gelatos, los tengo desde hace algún tiempo pero todavía no los había utilizado mucho, y después del ver el resultado final me encantan, crean unos fondos muy bonitos y voy a seguir experimentando con ellos en futuros proyectos, a continuación os cuento como he hecho esta tarjeta.
I love colouring for that reason I love to have different stuff to do it as inks, pens, markers, etc., and with this card I decided to play a bit with Gelatos, I have them a few time ago but I haven't still used them much, and after seeing the finished card I have to say I love them, they make a beautiful backgrounds and I'm going to go on playing with them in future projects, now I tell you how I've made this card.
I love colouring for that reason I love to have different stuff to do it as inks, pens, markers, etc., and with this card I decided to play a bit with Gelatos, I have them a few time ago but I haven't still used them much, and after seeing the finished card I have to say I love them, they make a beautiful backgrounds and I'm going to go on playing with them in future projects, now I tell you how I've made this card.
jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015
7 trucos para ahorrar
Tal como os prometí en esta entrada os voy a contar los trucos que sigo para no dejarme todo el salario cuando compro material nuevo, la verdad es que a veces es una tentación muy grande no comprar nada cuando ves una colección de sellos o papeles nueva que te encanta, pero hay que resistir jejeje, aquí va mi lista:
As I told you in this post I'm going to tell you what are the tricks I have to save money and not to spend all my salary when I buy new stuff, the true is some times is difficult to resist temptation and not to buy anything when you see a new collection of stamps or papers you love, but you have to be strong, hehehe, here goes my chart:
domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015
DIY I: estuche para guardar troqueles
¿Tienes un montón de troqueles y no sabes dónde y cómo guardarlos?, bueno yo os voy a dar una idea que podéis adaptar fácilmente y que os puede salir gratis.
Do you have a lot of dies and you don't know where and how to keep them?, well I'm going to give you an idea you can easily adapt and that can be free.
Do you have a lot of dies and you don't know where and how to keep them?, well I'm going to give you an idea you can easily adapt and that can be free.
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Parte delantera del estuche - Front box |
jueves, 30 de julio de 2015
De compras I
Lo admito me encanta comprar nuevos productos, y ¿a quién no? es cierto, aunque sé que tengo que comprar con cabeza que si no me arruino porque con tanta cosa bonita es difícil aguantar la tentación. Bueno os voy a mostrar mis últimas compras:
I admit it I love to buy new things, and who doesn't? it's true, although I know I have to be responsible if not I would spend all my money because with all that beautiful stuff it's very difficult not to resist the temptation. Well, I'm going to show you my last purchases:
I admit it I love to buy new things, and who doesn't? it's true, although I know I have to be responsible if not I would spend all my money because with all that beautiful stuff it's very difficult not to resist the temptation. Well, I'm going to show you my last purchases:
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Como veis aquí está el sello que he utilizado en la etiqueta que hice para mi primera entrada. As you see here's the stamp set that has the fan I used in my first post. |
lunes, 27 de julio de 2015
12 tags of 2015 - July
Empiezo esta aventura con un reto mensual, la etiqueta de julio que ha propuesto desde su blog Tim Holtz, la mía es bastante diferente, cuando vi que estaba inspirada en el 4 de julio no sabía que hacer al principio, hasta que de repente me vino un aire fresco del aire acondicionado que me iluminó:
I start this little adventure with a challenge, the July tag that Tim Holtz has showed in his blog, mine is very different, when I saw he was celebrating the 4th of July I didn't know what to do at the beginning, until suddenly I feel the fresh air of my air conditioning that helped me a lot:
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