domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2024

A Place To Start September 2024

A Place To Start September 2024
Un nuevo mes y un nuevo reto de A Place To Start. Esta vez, el tema es para un hombre o como siempre la opción de todo vale. En mi caso, he hecho una tarjeta para un chico joven.

A new month and a new challenge on A Place To Start. This time, the topic is for a man or always the option of anything goes. In my case, I've made a card for a young man.
He elegido los tonos amarillos, marrones negros y naranjas para mi combinación de colores y gracias a este tutorial he aprendido a hacer otra forma diferente para mi tarjeta.

I've chosen yellow, brown, black and orange tones for my colour combo and thanks to this tutorial I've learnt to make another different shape for my card.
Y para acabar, he preparado este sobre. Como veis es un diseño original y diferente, perfecto para el destinatario. Ahora, es vuestro turno.

And to finish, I've prepared this envelope. As you see, it is an original and different design, perfect for the recipient. Now, it's your turn.

Con este sobre y tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part with this envelope and card in the next challenges:

12 comentarios:

  1. A wonderfully designed card and envelop. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

  2. What a fabulous design, very clever. And your envelope is just great!! Lots of wonderful work here, and great take on the challenge. Thanks so much for playing along with us over at Double D, I hope we see you back again soon!
    Judy~ DD DT Designer

  3. Great design of these cards and envelope!
    Lia DT S4F

  4. Super card, a lovely design. Thank you for joining in the Allsorts Challenge this week.
    Liz xx

  5. Great Guy card. So glad you joined us at The Creative Crafters challenge this month.

  6. Awesome card!!! Thanks so much for participating in my HALLOWEEN AND OTHER OCCASIONS challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!! Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper


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Thanks for your comments.