viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024

My Time To Craft #542 Add Texture

Espero que os guste el tema del nuevo reto de My Time To Craft, que es incluye textura, porque ha sido idea mía. Ya sabéis que me gusta elegir temas sencillos con los que poder jugar mucho. Además, hacía tiempo que no publicaba ninguna página y este ha sido uno de esos proyectos que empiezan de una manera y acaban de otra totalmente distinta. Y encima, hay que añadir un parón entre medias por no tener inspiración para saber cómo acabar.

I hope you like the new theme of My Time To Craft challenge, that is "add texture", because it has been my idea. You've already known that I like to choose simple topics and so you can play a lot with it. Also, This page has been one of those projects that you start in one way and then you finish them in a totally different way. And furthermore, I have to add to that a long break because I didn't have any idea that inspired me to know how to finish it.
Al principio, pegué dos trozos de papel, cuerdas e hilos que me habían sobrado de otros proyectos para darle textura. Luego, empecé a jugar con mis pinturas acrílicas y aunque no se ve en las fotos, en ese momento no tenía pensado ocultar los papeles. Pero no me gustaba el resultado. Así que decidí que lo mejor era que toda la página tuviera ese fondo.

At the beginning, I glued cord and string to add texture and two pieces of paper that I had from other projects. Then, I started to play with my acrylic paints and although you cannot see in the pics, at that moment my intention wasn't to hide the papers. But I didn't like the result. So I decided that the best thing was that the whole page had that background.
Y después, pasaron unos cuantos días y semanas hasta que se me ocurrió jugar con unas plantillas de letras y crear la frase "creative chaos" caos creativo, que era perfecta para el fondo y como se había desarrollado toda la página. Y ahora es vuestro turno, podéis subir vuestros proyectos en My Time To Craft.

And after that, several days and then weeks passed until I remembered I got these letter masks and I decided to play with them to create the sentiment "creative chaos", that was perfect for the background and how the whole process of the page had been. And now it your turn, you can upload your projects on My Time To Craft challenge.

Con esta página participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part on the next challenges with this page:

14 comentarios:

  1. Beautifully created - love it 😊. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Beautifully crafted! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our WORD POWER challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth,Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power, Love Those Pretty Papers

    PS ... We had trouble with our Linky so if you happen to stop back you'll notice your card image is blurry ... that is my fault and we apologize. Thanks for supporting our challenges.

    1. Thanks for writing Darlene. Don't worry for the blurry image hehehe. María, xx

  3. What a great texture entry. I would lve to run my hand all over it. Thanks for sharing this beauty at Try it on Tuesday.

  4. What a unique and wonderful background, love how you used and overlapped the letters. Thanks for playing along with us at The Paper Funday Challenge!

    1. I wanted to reflect with the letters a bit of how I had felt with all the process of making this page and to ovelap them was the best way to do it. Thanks for writing Melanie. María, xx

  5. Very interesting piece with loads of texture. Thanks for sharing your lovely card with us at The Paper Funday Challenge. We look forward to seeing more of your designs soon.
    Donna xx
    Paper Funday Challenge
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    Inspiration Station Challenge

  6. These colors compliment each other so well and love how it turned out! Thanks so much for sharing this month at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!


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Thanks for your comments.