viernes, 9 de agosto de 2024

My Time To Craft #540 Back To School

My Time To Craft #540 Back To School
El nuevo reto que ha empezado hoy en My Time To Craft es la vuelta al cole. Y aunque, aquí todavía estamos en plena ola de calor y queda bastante tiempo de verano y de vacaciones no ha sido un problema para hacer este tag.

The new challenge on My Time To Craft that has started today is back to school. And although, here in Spain we're still in the middle of a heat wave and we still have a lot of summer and holidays that hasn't been a problem to make this tag.
Para empezar, he creado esa textura en el fondo con una carpeta de embossing y pinturas acrílicas. Después, he añadido esas dos capas de papel.

To start, I've created that texture on the background with an embossing folder and acrylic paints. After that, I've added those two paper layers.
El recreo es guay
Y para acabar, he pegado las pegatinas de la frase y el pingüino y he decorado con washi tape y las dos lentejuelas. Quería hacer un tag alegre, perfecto para animar en el inicio del curso escolar y creo que la frase que veis traducida debajo de la foto es genial para ello.

To finish, I've glued the sentiment and penguin stickers and I've decorated it with washi tape and two sequins. I wanted to make a fun tag, perfect to cheer up the beginning of the classes and I think that sentiment is perfect for that.

Con este tag participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part with this tag on the next challenges:

12 comentarios:

  1. What a cute tag!!! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our new Love Those Pretty Papers challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.


    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power, Love Those Pretty Papers

  2. Fun tags and lovely to see you at We Love Stamping challenge, although I'm not sure if it's eligible as you mention stickers and no stamping?

    B x

    1. Thanks for writing Brenda. Yes, you're right I'm sorry I've just deleted my entry on the challenge. Yesterday was a crazy day and I didn't realize when I updloaded my project that it wasn't elegible. Hugs, María.

  3. This is really cute and a fun back to school project! Thank you so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge this month!

  4. Super cute tag Maria :-) the little penguin is adorable and I love the layers and background :-)

    Congratulations you have won the $25 gift certificate on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Please email us at to claim your voucher
    Lols x x x

    1. Thank you Lorraine. I've just sent you the email. María, xx

  5. Lovely mixed media tag! Love the little penguin.
    Thank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges.
    Hugs Rachelle

  6. What a cute tag! Cute penguin. Thank you for sharing with us over here at the Critter Crazy Challenge and best of luck with your entry. Love to see you join in each month. Thank you.

    Gale DT for


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Thanks for your comments.