sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2022

My Time To Craft #494 Critters

Un nuevo reto en My Time To Craft ha comenzado, el tema es animalillos. Gatos, perros, ovejitas... Un montón de posibilidades para jugar y crear tags o tarjetas como la mía: una preciosa escena en el campo.

A new challenge has started on My Time To Craft, the theme is critters. Cats, dogs, little sheeps... A lot of possibilities to play and create tags or cards as mine: a beautiful scene in the country.
He hecho el fondo con mis tintas y dos plantillas, con las que he conseguido crear esa dimensión y las capas que necesitaba. Después, he añadido ese borde con uno de mis troqueles.

I've made the background with my inks and two stencils and I've got to create that dimension and the layers I needed thanks to them. After that, I've added that border with one of my dies.
A continuación, he estampado mis ovejitas, los árboles y el resto de elementos y los he coloreado con mis rotuladores. Como veis, es una tarjeta llena de colorido y alegría.

Then, I've stamped my sheeps, the trees and the rest of the elements and I've coloured with my markers. As you see, it's a card full of colour and fun.

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part with this card in the next challenges:

10 comentarios:

  1. What a smashing project!
    We always love to see all the entries at Classic.
    Thank you for sharing in our challenge at Classic Design Challenge
    We really appreciate you joining in.

    Jackie DT

  2. Adorable card! Beautiful coloring of the landscape!

  3. Hello Maria, Me encanta su proyecto! Thank you for participating in our challenge at A Perfect Time To Craft! Buenas suerte! Estoy siguiéndote. ; )

    1. Sorry, me llama Ivette (Ivy) DT for A Perfect Time To Craft.

    2. Thanks for writing and following me Ivy. I've also started to follow you Hugs, María.

  4. http://www.n1sunrider.blogspot.com - Ivette

  5. I love this card Maria - you've created a beautiful background with a really fun scene. Thanks for sharing it with us at Love to Craft challenge
    Deborah DT


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Thanks for your comments.