domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2021

A Place To Start September 2021

A Place To Start September 2021

Nuevo mes y nuevo reto en A Place To Start, esta vez hay usar papeles estampados. No hace falta que todo el proyecto tenga papel estampado y tampoco que utilicéis varios como yo, pero si que cubra lo suficiente para que destaque, al menos un 25% del proyecto.

New month and a new challenge in A Place To Start, this time is patterned papers. It's not necessary to cover all the proyect or to use different papers as me, it only has to cover enough space to see it, at least 25% of the project.

Para hacer esta tarjeta me he inspirado en los patrones de los quilts y he reutilizado papel que me había sobrado en otros proyectos. Es un tarjeta sencilla, sólo necesitas un poco de paciencia para recortar todos los papeles e ir pegando y creando el diseño. 

The inspiration of this card is the quilts patterns and I've reused papers from other projects. It's a simple card, you only need a bit of patience to cut all the pieces and glue them and to create the design. 

Mañana comienza el reto, ya podéis ir eligiendo vuestros papeles estampados, estoy deseando ver vuestros proyectos.

The challenge starts tomorrow, so you can start to choose your patterned papers, I cannot wait to see your projects.

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part with this card in the next challenges:

6 comentarios:

  1. Wow, Maria, the card looks like real quilt....just like how my grandmother used to make them. Beautiful job and great way to use the scraps!❤

    1. Thank you Sam, for that reason I like quilts, simple patterns can create something so beautiful. María, xx

  2. Wow! Love this! I thought it was an actual quilt. Looks like it was a lot of work but it's beautiful. Thanks for joining the challenge at Love To Scrap Challenge Blog. Dorlene DT LTSCB

    1. Yeah it took a bit of time to glue it, but it was worth it. Thanks for writing. Hugs, María.


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