viernes, 12 de julio de 2024

My Time To Craft #538 CAS

My Time To Craft #538 CAS
Hacía tiempo que no hacía una tarjeta CAS y gracias al nuevo reto que ha comenzado hoy en My Time To Craft he podido hacer una, porque el tema es precisamente ése, tarjetas con un diseño sencillo y simple.

I didn't make a CAS card a while ago and thanks to the new challenge that has started today on My Time To Craft I've been able to make one, because the theme is just that one, cards with a clean and simple design.
Para el fondo he jugado con una plantilla y dos tonos de tinta rosa. Después, he añadido la planta y la frase.

I've played with a stencil and two tones of pink inks to create the background. After that, I've added the plant and the sentiment.
Y para acabar, he pegado esas dos lentejuelas para decorar. He conseguido una preciosa tarjeta con muy poco, perfecta para este reto. Estoy deseando ver qué os inspira. Os esperamos en My Time To Craft.

And to finish, I've glued those two sequins to decorate. I've got a beautiful card with only a few elements, perfect for this challenge. I cannot wait to see how it inspires you. We wait for you on My Time To Craft.

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part with this card in the next challenges:

20 comentarios:

  1. A beautifully created design!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Simply Clean & Simple, Triple B and Stencil Fun.
    Diane SCAS, TB, SF Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    Co-Owner: {Simply Clean & Simple}
    NEW {Love Those Pretty Papers}, {Word Power}, {Double D}, {Peace On Earth}, {Four Seasons}, {Two Old Bats}, {Can You Handle The Pressure}, {Stencil Fun}, {Triple B}

  2. A very elegant combination of stencilling and stamping, many thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  3. Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing with us at INkspirational~

  4. Very pretty CAS design, Thanks for sharing your lovely card with us at The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge.
    Donna xx
    The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    The Paper Funday Challenge
    The Inspiration Station Challenge

  5. It is a lovely card Maria Stencilling and stamping combined, looks fab. xx

  6. Beautifully CAS - love your background.

    Thanks for joining us at the Beautiful Blossoms Challenge.

    Helen x

  7. Wow this is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing over at Simply Clean and Simple this month, hope to see you in future challenges.
    Elaine DT

    KraftiKards (my blog)
    613 Avenue Create DT
    Peace on Earth Christmas DT
    Simply Clean and Simple DT

  8. Very nice work, thanks for sharing!!!

  9. A very effective CAS design!
    Thank you so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday June/July challenge!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  10. Great card, thanks for joining Stamping Sensations. anesha


Muchas gracias por tus comentarios.
Thanks for your comments.