domingo, 2 de marzo de 2025

A Place To Start March 2025

A Place To Start March 2025
El nuevo reto de este mes de A Place To Start es cuentos de hadas, aunque también tenéis la opción de todo vale. Yo, como siempre, intento jugar con el tema como podéis ver con la protagonista de mi tarjeta.

The new challenge on A Place To Start is fairy tales, although you also have the option anything goes. I, as always, try to play with the topic as you can see it with the protagonist of my card.
Esta vez he elegido un tono naranja para el fondo y ese papel verde con puntitos amarillos para enmarcar el sello. También, he usado mis rotuladores para colorear porque quería unos colores vivos y alegres.

This time I've chosen an orange tone for the background and that green paper with yellow dots to frame the stamp. Also, I've used my markers to colour because I wanted bright and fun colours.
Lo último que he hecho es añadir la frase y he usado mis polvos de embossing porque quería que tuviera un poco de textura. Os recuerdo que mañana empieza el reto. Os esperamos.

The last thing I've made is to add the sentiment and I've used my embossing powders because I wanted it to have a bit of texture. I remind you that tomorrow the challenge starts. We wait for you.

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
I take part with this card in the next challenges:

4 comentarios:

  1. An adorably cute cute fairy and colored so prettily!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at The Four Seasons!
    Diane FS Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Four Seasons}

  2. Oh this is gorgeous - I love that frame around that very cute image. I'd love to know where that stamp is from as my granddaughter loves to blow bubbles. Thanks for sharing with us at Love to craft.

    1. Hi Fiona. The stamp is from the Angelica & Friends Collection by Crafter's Companion, it's called Felicity and it was an unmounted stamp, I bought it several years ago so I don't know if they still sell it. I hope this info helps you. Thanks for writing. María, xx


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